15 Zhujiang W Rd


Building 15 Zhujiang W Rd

Tianhe Qu, Guangzhou Shi, Guangdong Sheng, China,

Bank of America CI Project, Poly Real Estate Headquarters project A office buildings


An Office building with 278,785 square feet. First green activity in 2012.

Activity Why It's Green

This building is green because it has 3 green activities that achieved outcomes of energy efficient design, water use reduction, sustainable site selection and development + 2 more

Green Projects
3 Stars
Gold Certified

Awards & Certifications


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Bank of America CI Project
awarded on 08/24/2017
LEED CI 2009
Bank of America CI Project
registered on 10/28/2016
LEED CI 2009
Poly Real Estate Headquarters project A office buildings
awarded on 01/01/2012
3 Stars
Green Building Evaluation Label (China Three Star) Design Label