1151 S Forest Ave


Building 1151 S Forest Ave

Tempe, AZ, USA

Arizona State University, Arizona State University at the Tempe campus


First green activity in 2011.

Activity Why It's Green

This building is green because it has 5 green activities.

Green Projects
Listed (2)
Ranked #23
Ranked #26
Ranked #11

People/Organizations who worked on this building

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Arizona State University
reported on 09/05/2015
Ranked #11
Sierra Club Cool Schools (2015)
Arizona State University
reported on 09/05/2014
Ranked #26
Sierra Club Cool Schools (2014)
Arizona State University at the Tempe campus
reported on 04/17/2014
Princeton Review Guide to 332 Green Colleges (2014 Edition)
Arizona State University
reported on 01/01/2012
Guide to 322 Green Colleges (2012 Edition)
Arizona State University
reported on 09/01/2011
Ranked #23
Sierra Club Cool Schools (2011)