3506 Gwynnbrook Avenue


Building 3506 Gwynnbrook Avenue

Owings Mills, MD, USA

Jewish Community Center-Ece Dept, Owings Mills Farmers' Market


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This building has a timeline with 1 green activity.


Jewish Community Center-Ece Dept
NCES Private Schools


Building Details

CBSA Baltimore-Towson, MD
USGBC Chapter Maryland Chapter
EPA Region Mid-Atlantic
NHCS Urban Rural Classification Large fringe metro
Utility Provider Baltimore Gas & Electric Co.
lowest grade taught Prekindergarten
highest grade taught Kindergarten
number of students 18
type of school Early Childhood Program/Daycare Center
religious orientation Jewish
date 2012-04-30
accepts credit card Y
accepts wic farmers market nutrition program Y
accepts wic cash vouchers N
accepts senior farmers market nutrition program sfmnp Y
accepts supplemental nutrition assistance program snap N
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