Code Green Solutions
Battle Creek, MI, USA
10514-Battle Creek
This building has a 1 year timeline with 1 green activity.
Space Type(s) | Retail |
CBSA | Battle Creek, MI |
USGBC Chapter | West Michigan Chapter |
EPA Region | Great Lakes |
NHCS Urban Rural Classification | Small metro |
Utility Provider | Consumers Energy Co. |
Building Type | Retail Store |
Building Owner | Kohl's Department Stores |
Property Manager | Kohl's Department Stores |
Label Year(s) | 2009 |
Rating(s) | 84 |
Year Constructed | 2001 |
Number of Years Certified | 1 |
Certification Years | 2009 |
Score(s) | 84 |
Property type | Retail Store |
Year constructed | 2001 |
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